Christian Jankowski
Living Sculptures: Caesar, Dali Woman, El Che
Doris Freedman Plaza
November 24, 2008 – April 19, 2009 |
Through April 2009, visitors to Central Park's Doris C. Freedman Plaza will come across three sculptures by Christian Jankowski that may require a second look from passersby. New Yorkers and tourists alike are accustomed to seeing the occasional performer on the streets of our city, entertaining crowds with dance, magic or impersonation. When visitors encounter Jankowski's Living Sculptures, they may at first think they are seeing three street performers, surprisingly motionless and grouped together. In actuality, the figures are bronze sculptures that reference the tradition of professional street performers who strike poses as historical or fantastical characters for passersby. Specifically these works draw inspiration from three street performers Jankowski observed and selected from a public thoroughfare in Barcelona that regularly present themselves as the likenesses of a Roman legionnaire who refers to himself as "Caesar", the revolutionary leader Che Guevara, and an enigmatic woman inspired by a figure known as "The Anthropomorphic Cabinet Woman" created by artist Salvador Dali. Jankowski's sculptures are, in essence, statues of people performing as statues. Representing modern day figures, both real and imagined, they are exceptionally life-like, though solid bronze in their composition. Their human scale and figurative representation beckon viewers to come close, consider whether they are real people, pose next to them for photos, and perhaps even leave a few coins in appreciation. The installation of Living Sculptures at the entrance to Central Park is especially fitting given that it is a favored and prominent spot for public sculptures as well as some of the New York's actual street performers, including a frequent impersonator of the Statue of Liberty. In these works Jankowski fuses the tradition of monuments with popular references: Che Guevara's image circulates as a symbol of politics as much as of counterculture. This representation of an impersonator of El Che demonstrates a further remaking and another interpretation of this icon. Dali's "Cabinet Woman" similarly exemplifies the extent to which Dali's imagery has entered into popular consciousness and has inspired numerous adaptations; the familiar has been reinterpreted expressively by the street performer standing with a decorative umbrella and an unused crutch. "Caesar" similarly displays a creative adaptation; here, the traditional costume of sandals and sword has been modified by the modern day wearer. Jankowski conflates the real, historical sources with the street performers' interpretations, fusing and memorializing the two in sculptures that call our attention to the way figures are personified in art and popular culture. |
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Bronze casts of human sculptures, sculpted after three living sculpture street performers (Che Guevara, the Roman Soldier and the Dali Woman). By Christian Jankowski.
esculturas en new york
Friday, January 9, 2009
Christian Jankowski's LIVING SCULPTURES: Dali Woman, El Che, Caesar
are CHRISTIAN JANKOWSKI's Living Sculptures: a figure known as Salvador
Dali's "The Anthropomorphic Cabinet Woman", the revolutionary leader
Che Guevarra, and "Caesar," now installed at Central Park's Dorris
Freedman Plaza.
From the Public Art Fund website:
April 2009, visitors to Central Park's Doris C. Freedman Plaza will
come across three sculptures by Christian Jankowski that may require a
second look from passersby. New Yorkers and tourists alike are
accustomed to seeing the occasional performer on the streets of our
city, entertaining crowds with dance, magic or impersonation. When
visitors encounter Jankowski's Living Sculptures, they may at first
think they are seeing three street performers, surprisingly motionless
and grouped together. In actuality, the figures are bronze sculptures
that reference the tradition of professional street performers who
strike poses as historical or fantastical characters for passersby.
Specifically these works draw inspiration from three street performers
Jankowski observed and selected from a public thoroughfare in Barcelona
that regularly present themselves as the likenesses of a Roman
legionnaire who refers to himself as "Caesar", the revolutionary leader
Che Guevara, and an enigmatic woman inspired by a figure known as "The
Anthropomorphic Cabinet Woman" created by artist Salvador Dali.
sculptures are, in essence, statues of people performing as statues.
Representing modern day figures, both real and imagined, they are
exceptionally life-like, though solid bronze in their composition. Their
human scale and figurative representation beckon viewers to come close,
consider whether they are real people, pose next to them for photos,
and perhaps even leave a few coins in appreciation. The installation of
Living Sculptures at the entrance to Central Park is especially fitting
given that it is a favored and prominent spot for public sculptures as
well as some of the New York's actual street performers, including a
frequent impersonator of the Statue of Liberty.
inauguración en una galería de arte en nueva york del conjunto escultórico del artista conceptual Christian Jankovsky. tres estatuas humanas de las ramblas de barcelona convertidas por la magia del arte en estatuas de bronce. ¿lo pillan?. magnífica idea financiada en gran parte por el Centro de Arte Santa Mónica de Barcelona, cuyo director Ferran Varenblit sostiene la política de este centro de apoyar iniciativas de artistas "emergentes" consiguiendo logros como este emprendimiento que se verá por ahora en nueva york, berlín y barcelona próximamente. yo participé en el equipo que copió al modelo humano y realizó los originales del "Che" y la "Chica de Dalí". posteriormente me encargaron la realización del original para el "Romano". esta copia, la confección del traje y la construcción de la figura final como se ve en anteriores posts, las realizamos con Pau y Manu, formando un equipo fabuloso, no excento de tensiones debido a la calidad del trabajo requerido y nuestro compartido perfeccionismo. los resultados están a la vista. larga vida al arte.
primera etapa en la realización del molde para el cráneo fósil. cubro con una placa de plastilina (blanca) la mitad superior para delimitar el lugar que ocupará la silicona. la franja verde pastel será un escalón del molde madre o contramolde de fibra de vidrio, que servirá de contención y registro del molde de silicona. (continuará, a suivre, to be continued)
detalle del último relieve artístico mediático español, el retablo encargado a miquel barceló para la catedral de palma de mallorca. en otra entrada colgué una foto de los relieves de altamira. hace 15.000 años que la piel de toro piensa en el turismo. y la iglesia católica, 2007. todo es opinable, sólo me tomé el trabajo de destacar dos momentos del arte. y haré un recorrido por el puente que se traza entre ellos, según he ido mirando.
publicidad, con todos sus códigos. en europa cambiaba la imagen de la mascota del chicle boomer. y se relanzaba la marca con nuevos productos. el diseño representaba un superhéroe musculoso pero redondeado, asimilando sus formas a un globo hinchando el chicle. en españa el modelo elegido para vestir el traje es el chico de la imagen superior. un par de años después introdujeron el chicle en ... la india. si el 10% de sus habitantes comían su chicle ganaban un mercado de más de 100 millones de consumidores. el resto ya tiene dificultades para cubrir sus gastos mínimos y el chicle no entra en sus necesidades. masticar un poco de goma no quita el hambre. el modelo para la mascota india es un ídolo de bollywood. eso significó un viaje de diez días a mumbay para adaptar el traje al actor, donde lo pasé de puta madre. los dos sonríen que es un encanto, el chicle no jode los dientes, ¿o sí?
volcán en erupción. esta pieza integraba la muestra itinerante de cosmocaixa junto al globo de la deriva continental. es otro trabajo realizado con eba,, más que clientes, amigos. el volcán está hecho en resina y fibra de vidrio con un tratamiento especial en la zona de caída de lava. el efecto de luz está conseguido con una estructura de leds y programado en la secuencia que se muestra arriba.
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